Friday, February 08, 2008

A feature the iPhone really needs

The iPhone has many deficiencies, but thankfully its benefits far outweigh its deficiencies.

One of the deficiencies I'd most like to see remedied, and soon, is over-the-air calendar and contact sync, with web-based access. I.e., a service like dot Mac, where contacts and calendar entries are automatically sync'd in real-time, and are accessible via a web interface.

After email (which the iPhone already does really well), this is the single greatest feature of the GoodLink service I have on my work-supplied Samsung BlackJack. I love that I can enter a contact or a calendar entry on my phone, into Outlook, or into Outlook Web Access, and everything automatically (and almost instantaneously) synchronizes.

My iPhone syncs to Outlook on my home computer. It drives me nuts that I must essentially double-enter calendar events -- on my iPhone and into 30Boxes. They should automatically sync.

I'd give up 30Boxes if Apple had over-the-air to sync to a web-based calendar service that they provided. That would be awesome.

Cable-based calendar/contact synchronization is so last century. :-)

I bet they'll never introduce such a service, but it would be so cool if they did.


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