Saturday, June 30, 2007

I got bit by the iPhone bug

I was minding my on business for the most part yesterday, focusing on work and getting to an appointment on time. While I was driving home, I decided to call my friend Hobbes, as I am wont to do on a Friday evening. He told me what he was up to: preparing to go to the local AT&T store to see if they had any iPhones; he was getting one.

The AT&T store had not received any, so he went to our local Apple store. They had some, so he got in line. He called me back after a bit and said, "I can get two; do you want one?" My first answer was no. My standard response when someone asked me if I was considering an iPhone was that I would wait for the phone to be out for a month before I would consider it, as I wanted to see how it was being received.

But the immediacy of my friend's question made me think more seriously, and I was tempted. After thinking about ten seconds, I gave in. "Yes, I do. Thanks!" He acknowledged me, I said bye, and I hung up. It was done. I was going to become one of the first iPhone owners.

I picked it up from his house this afternoon. I started activation when I got home; I had to wait just over 30 minutes. i called AT&T confirm everything was okay, and they assured me it was; they were just really backed up from all the activations. I guess the phone is selling quite well.

I was on the phone with my friend when I got cut off and couldn't get a signal. I checked my email, and my iPhone activation was complete. Then the adventure began.

So far, I'm completely impressed. Contrary to the opinion of a number of my acquaintances, I am not a cell phone junkie; it has all of the features I need, and most that I want. The number one thing I'd like to see for it is a real programming API so my favorite Pocket PC app, My Life Organized, can be ported over.

I have always thought that EDGE wasn't fast enough, but it feels faster on the iPhone.

All of the built-in apps work brilliantly. I am surprised to not see a to do list app; I'll start looking for one soon. In the meantime, I'm using a note. About notes; where do they show up on the PC after a sync? I've not yet been able to find them.

The call quality sounds better than any other cell phone I've used; it rivals my landline phone, which is excellent.

I need to get a new Bluetooth headset for it. I was thinking about getting Apple's, but it's not yet available at my Apple store. I did some research, and haven't found any reviews about it. My friend Hobbes recommended the JawBone headset. It seems to be getting excellent reviews; I may pick it up tomorrow.

That's it for now. I hope to write an update once I've used it for a while.


Blogger hockeygirl said...

Congratulations on your new iPhone! I am so proud of you for getting one! Shane gets one too, but as you know, he has to wait until the end of July. He will be jealous of you until then. Hope you are doing well!

July 01, 2007 10:49 AM  
Blogger Wes said...


:-) I really love it. It's actually better than I expected. EDGE continues to perform acceptably. I keep finding cool features on it.

Here's something that surprised me: there seems to be no way to select text, copy, and then paste. It's been decades since I had to use the backspace key to delete more than two or three characters.

Really, it's an amazing phone; it's the best cellular I've ever used.

July 01, 2007 6:26 PM  

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